Dining Out 1
Dining Out One meets for lunch at 12:30 pm on the last Thursday of the month.
Members take turns organizing our outing at a local restaurant by choosing a location, contacting members with details and making a reservation.
New members are welcome.
Please contact Mary Comi or Sally Hubbs.
Dining Out 2
The group meets at noon on the third Thursday of the month, September to June.
Each month a different member chooses a restaurant and makes a reservation, asking for separate cheques. She then contacts everyone with the information and asks for a commitment of attendance.
Please contact Linda Rose.
Lunch Bunch
The group meets at 1pm on the second Tuesday of the month, September to July.
Members take it in turn to select the restaurant, communicate with other members and make the reservations. All restaurants chosen provide separate cheques. New members welcome.
Please contact Pat Cleland.
Dining Out Saturday
We meet in-person for an early dinner at 5:30 pm on the first Saturday of the month.
Please contact Linda Rose to receive monthly email notices.
Gourmet 3
Gourmet 3 meets once a month, usually on the third Monday of the month, for dinner at a different member’s home.
Usually three of us cook the dinner and the others are guests. We share the cost of the meal and discuss the menu and recipes afterwards. We often have a theme dinner for our dinner.
At Christmas we have a Christmas Party. In June we go out for dinner and at that time discuss our summer “mid-week getaway” which is two nights away. We are a group that enjoys good food and likes to have fun.
Please contact Cathy Sbrolla.
Lunch and a Movie
Looking for something fun to do? Join our group for lunch and/or a movie at 1:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. We meet for lunch at a restaurant near Cineplex Odeon or Kingsway Theatre and then go to a movie. Some go together to a movie chosen by the group; some choose to go to another movie. We are a small group, but we have a big time!
If you’d like to join us, please contact Valerie Zentins.
Sunday Brunch
Sunday Brunch group meets every other month on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 am. This works out to be six times a a year. Every member takes a turn to choose a restaurant and then contacts the rest of the group If you enjoy socializing and like to try out various brunch venues in Toronto.
Please contact Joanne Jamieson.