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Welcome March

On March 8 we recognize and celebrate the social, cultural and political achievements of women and girls. International Women’s Day has been celebrated for 49 years and focuses on issues that include gender equality, reproductive rights, violence and the abuse of women as well as many other concerns. This year’s theme is ‘Accelerate Action’. Collectively we can accelerate action for gender equality.

Join us at our March General Meeting at Fairfield to discuss changes that have taken place over 49 years and other interesting and thought provoking topics! We are at the halfway point in our membership year. Members, please consider becoming involved as part of the club’s executive. Meetings are short, interesting and lively. They take place at 3:00 on the first Thursday of each month at Fairfield Seniors Centre. Contact us at info@cfuwetobicoke.ca for more information.

“ I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.”  (Mother Teresa)

THIS MONTH’S BOOK RECOMMENDATION (from one of our 9 book clubs)

From the 🇨🇦 Canadian Book Discussion Club: “Our 2 most recent selections were quite different! Fire Weather by John Vaillant was a non-fiction selection.  It was a very graphic description of the fire in Fort McMurray.

Daughters of the Deer by Danielle Daniel was a fictionalized story of her Algonquin relative Marie.  She married a French soldier in New France.  The author hopes that reading the book will allow us to see clearly what happened 350 years ago, and that we are still dealing with the effects of colonization.” MORE

Why Join?

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Fairfield Centre, 80 Lothian Ave., Etobicoke. September to May.

Join us for a social time at 7:00 p.m. (bring your own mug). The Speaker and Business Meeting follow at 7:30 p.m.

Interest Groups

There is something for everyone! 35 interest groups provide opportunities to learn, to develop friendships, to stay healthy, to travel and to become more involved in our community. Members are encouraged to start new groups if they have a passion they would like to share.


Our focus is rooted in our club’s Mission and Value statements where we agree to seek social justice, commit to new learning and address issues that impact the lives of women and girls.

Annually we debate and provide input on resolutions sent from CFUW National.


Through our Charitable Trust we provide financial assistance through bursaries to young women from Etobicoke wishing to study at Humber College, York University, the University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University.


We have supported the Daily Bread Food Bank for many years via donation and through the volunteer hours worked by our enthusiastic Food Bank Outreach group. We also support Women’s. Habitat and the Red Cross Meals on Wheels program.


As a community of women we have achieved many of our goals over the 75+ years our club has been active.

We want our members to have FUN and make new friends, while realizing their own potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

In addition to our monthly general meetings (with speakers), our club has numerous groups that cover a wide variety of interests in the Arts, Bridge, Dining, Walking, Health, Books, Learning and Helping in our Community. One of our groups focuses on Diversity and Inclusion.

You can join at any time.

Our club is active between September and May.

Historically CFUW was known as the Canadian Federation of University Women. The name was recently shortened to CFUW.

Visitors are welcome to our meetings. Please sign up below to receive notices.

You can fill in a New Member application Here. Members can belong to more than one CFUW club.

Yes. The majority of our members are semi-retired or retired, living in west Toronto. We do have younger members and members who live outside the area.

Regular Membership is $116.00/yr.
$12.00 goes to our Charitable trust and the balance contributes to administration costs at the provincial and national level of CFUW, as well as the operational and activity costs of our club. More

We’re here to help. Let’s talk.

Join our Mailing List

Request a copy of our newsletter, attend a meeting and/or receive a membership invitation.

To contact CFUW Etobicoke:

Email: info@cfuwetobicoke.ca or fill in the contact form below:

By submitting your information, you`re giving us permission to email you. You may unsubscribe at any time.

CFUW Etobicoke is part of both a National and Provincial organization. Learn More …

Our Mission is to continue to enhance our role as a national, bilingual, independent organization striving to promote equality, social justice, fellowship and lifelong learning for women and girls.